

《聽話?!》Listen Up?! 主題研討會 2 -《手停口停》
Thematic Symposium 2 - “Living Hand to Mouth


Panelist: Wen Yau, Wong Ka Ying, Debe Sham
Discussant: Kacey Wong
Host: Choi Yan-chi ( 1a space Vice-Chairman/ Co-Founder)

Despite the reform and reinterpretation of alternative art space, the development of Contemporary Art consistently challenges traditional artmaking convention. With 1a space’s 20 years of experience in 2018, we firmly believe that this attitude should be concurrently discussed and considered.

The title Listen Up?! comprises multiple layers of meaning. It could be understood as a progress in action of obedience. The punctuation ‘?!’ itself also refers to a questioning manner of this ideas, representing an open-end question for ideas exchange and mutual communication. It denotes and introspects the framework of conventional impression of independent art space and art practitioners.

Foreseeing this thriving development in Hong Kong art, the project aims to deliberate and question artistic milieus from independent art space, emerging artists and art practitioners by encouraging forward discussions, exhibition and publication.


羞恥不可談嗎? - 個體與社會之間的情緒暗流 | “有情緒”系列活動 | ARTFORUM × 2018上海雙年展

在“有情绪”系列活动的第一场中,我们邀请的对谈嘉宾就是在不同的领域经历或目睹类似困境的人们,他们分享了羞耻在他们与这个社会和不同的群体之间接触的时候起到了何种作用,以及他们如何理解羞耻。人类学者童末梳理了羞耻的概念以及羞耻与中国社会和前现代性之间的关系;艺术家黄嘉瀛则通过她的作品和个人经历谈及如何用创作和社会实践去拧转羞耻… Read More…


Paradoxical Guided Tour: a Place not called Edinburgh

Jelly dressed with Edinburgh evaporated milk; picnic with the girl who studied Museology at Edinburgh University; head to IFC in an Edinburgh pullover… The names no longer bear any meanings of the land; she might once had symbolised the place but what happened here thereafter, is no longer of any importance.
In 45 minutes, follow the docent to walk in and out of this Place, and leave with her a name that only belongs to you and her.

Artist Docent: KY Wong, Sean Wong
