Blood Lily, 2020

血百合 Blood Lily, 2020
被套及枕套 Quilt cover and pillowcases, 絲印 Silk Screen, 丙烯 Acrylic, 轉印紙 Transfer paper
200 cm X 200 cm


It has long been known that women must bleed to show their virginity on the first night of sex. In Western history, lily represents virginity and purity, and Deflowering is synonymous with taking away the virginity of women. This artwork explores the removal of lily and blood from the women, such as menstruation and blood production connecting to the taboos, legends and curses related to sex and desire.


When I grew up from a Catholic school, my classmates were very taboo to talk about sex and blood. When I was older, I got to know many taboos and legends about sex and blood, most of which were aimed at women's chastity and growth, and they were used to restrict desire, will and action. Have you also encountered embarrassing experiences about blood? Have you ever thought that embarrassment and unhappiness are actually cliché followed by what others have said? Feelings and experiences are welcome to be shared.